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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Today is National Puzzle Day!

Today we worked together to play some games and solve some puzzles - it was good fun!

Finlay's 100 word challenge

This week we had to include these words in our writing: grand, pink, gorilla, laughed and bicycle. Today I went to the park and there were lots of lakes. When I went there, there was a mysterious cave with a bicycle and eyes looking out, which were like a candlelit green colour. Also, there was a big, fat nose poking out like a carrot. Then suddenly it pounced out of the cave. A gorilla. I was running as fast as my legs could take me. My mind was spinning, soon my legs were too. Minutes turning hours, seeds becoming flowers. Trapped. Dead end. Then I looked at the gorilla and a grand house. Then I laughed because the gorilla was dressed in pink, on a bicycle! When I laughed it scared it away!

Abigayle's 100 word challenge

A long time ago there lived a pink gorilla and a little girl called Amelie. Amelie laughed as she rode on her bicycle, which was grand and pink. The gorilla started to cry. Amelie stopped to go and see if the gorilla was ok. The gorilla stopped crying and Amelie said "Are you ok?" "Yes I am," said the gorilla sadly. "Do you want me to buy you a bicycle like mine?" said Amelie. "oh yes please," said the gorilla happily.

Kristian's 100 word challenge

Once upon a time there was a pink gorilla who was riding on a bicycle. The gorilla laughed when he cycled along. The gorilla was going to the park and I followed him. When I followed him I was not at the park, I was in a big jungle full of monsters. I escaped and I got home then I had dinner. After dinner I went to bed and fell asleep. In the morning I went to the park to see if the grand pink gorilla was there. He was not, I didn't know where he could be.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Last term in our ICT lessons we used morpho-booth to create talking images of King Alfred the Great. Here is Lauren's...

Monday, 13 January 2014

Role play in Literacy

In our Literacy lessons we are learning about Quest Myths. Last week we read a myth called 'Kuang-Li' and then we had great fun working in groups to act out the different scenes.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

100 word challenge.

This week we had to include the following sentence in our writing ...when I put the batteries in...

Meg's 100 word challenge

I woke up, it was my birthday. I raced downstairs and when I got to the door I stopped. Then I went in. "Happy birthday!" my family shouted. I was surprised. I opened my first gift, it was a top. I didn't like it that much. "Do you like it?" said Mum. I didn't answer. My next gift was a robot, but when I put the batteries in it, it didn't do anything. I put the batteries in again, it worked! I opened the rest but I played with my robot nearly all day. I loved my robot, I even made him a paper bed!

Amelie's 100 word challenge

Once, a little girl was in her tent with her torch. Her parents were in the house cooking some food for the little girl, they went into the tent to give her the lovely food. "Gracie, I made you something to eat," called Gracie's mother. The next night the batteries ran out of the torch. She went to ask her Dad if she could have some more and she took them back to the tent but they didn't work! "Dad, Dad." she shouted, "you said they would work but when I put the batteries in it didn't work!" "Switch it on!" "Wow it works!"

Elise's 100 word challenge

Once, on Christmas there was a lovely girl called Frances. She was very lucky. When she had her ninth birthday her Mum gave her an electric scooter but when she put the batteries in nothing happened...then, BOOM the scooter blew up! Poor Frances, she could not keep the tears from her eyes. Her Mum bought her a new one but when she put the batteries in...it worked perfectly fine. No funny things happened at all. No blowing up or turning on by itself and moving about. Nothing like that at all. "Wow, I like this scooter," said Frances.