Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Beech makes potato salad!
A few months ago, we planted some potatoes in our school garden. Daniel and Sam helped Mrs McClure. Other children planted different things such as red onions, chives and mint. On Monday we picked the vegetables and then Mrs Gough washed them and then she cooked them.
Today we carefully chopped the potatoes, this was easy to do because they were soft. Next, we put them in a bowl with the mint and then added the chives and the onion. After that, we squirted some mayo in and mixed it all together. Lastly, we ate our beautiful potato salad and it was delicious!
Monday, 16 June 2014
Our school is 25!
On the 6th June we had a party on the field to celebrate our school being 25 years old! We had a great afternoon with party games, meeting previous members of staff and watching Mr Morris and Mrs Prior plant a tree.
Our trip to the Secret Hills Discovery Centre - Charlie B
We had a great trip to the Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven arms last week. Here are some of our recounts...
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Extreme reading challenge!
Have you ever read in an unusual place? Why don't you give it a try and take part in our Extreme Reading Challenge? Bring in a photograph or e-mail one to us and we will display it in the library and on our blog. Who will find the most extreme place? There are already some pictures up in school so you can see where some of our children have already been reading! Good luck! 

Monday, 7 April 2014
Our new poll...
We decided to have a poll about Easter eggs! Which is your favourite? Why don't you vote in our poll?
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Megan's 100 word challenge
This week we had to include these words: '...but I thought I had enough time...'
I was standing in a breezy buttercup field with all of my friends. Suddenly I heard a terrible scream and I saw a terrible shadowy figure, it looked like a massive cat. I ran for my life then right next to me I saw a girl, "Hello!" I yelled because we were running so fast. I looked back but my friends were being dazed by the cat creature himself. I threw a stone, "bulls-eye!" I hit. "Are you crazy?" screamed the girl, "lets run."
Suddenly the girl got eaten, but I thought I had enough time to save her. I didn't have time.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Daisy's 100wc
This week we had to answer the question 'Why would you like to be a night zoo-keeper?'
It would be amazing to have the job! With all the magical animals, and monsters attacking, it would be so exciting. It would also be fun to meet all the magical animals. I could build homes for them and play with them. If I was the night zoo keeper I would go time travelling with the elephants and floating with the pandas and even spying with the spy giraffe. I would feed and stroke them and play and look after the animals in all different ways. It would be great to be a night zoo keeper because I just love animals.
Amelie's 100 wc
I would like to be a night zoo keeper because I've never lived with magical animals before. I would like to see floating pandas and many more lovely animals. I would look after them because I am very gentle with animals and I would keep those mean old monsters away from the cute animals in the night zoo. If I get the job I would make a beautiful animal house. I would love to work in the night zoo. I love the sound of the spying giraffes. I'll just be on my way to get my new job, see you then!
Alex's 100wc
I would like to be a night zoo keeper because I'm sneaky. I can catch them. I'm as fast as infinity of a second. I could catch them before they could move a muscle. I'm so sneaky that I could send them back to their base. I'm so strong that I can make earthquakes happen by touching the ground. I'm so big I could block the door and I could throw the monsters back to their home. I can fly and check that they aren't coming to the zoo. I can use all my powers to send them back.
Lola's 100wc
I would like to be a night zoo keeper because I would like to see lots of animals that I have never seen before. Also I would like to look after animals in the wild so they stay strong and healthy. I should be a night zoo keeper because I want to see flying pandas, floating elephants and sneezing giraffes. I am very strong because I can lift the Eiffel tower with my little pinky! Also I am very fast because I ran the marathon in 0.2 seconds! I would love to be a night zoo keeper, it would be amazing.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Cole - French day
First we made some fabulous French flags. Then we made a big Eiffel tower. After lunch we played some fun games. We played some french parachute games and then french cricket. After that we ate some lovely French food.
Mia - French day
On Monday, Mrs Round said the register in French and she set us an activity that was a French wordsearch. Then we made a flag with the colours red, white and blue, then Mrs Round gave us a straw. We lined up and Mrs Gough stapled our straw to the flag. After break we made the Eiffel tower out of straws and sellotape. Mr Morris came into our class and he judged them, the red groups won. Then we went to lunch. After that we played French cricket and I got to bat first. When it came to Anastasia's go she had quite a lot of turns because she was so good at it. Then it was food time. Everyone enjoyed the food because lots of it had jam or chocolate in, especially the Brioche. There were French baguettes and cheese as well.
Megan H - French Day
Finally Monday came. I was so excited. Me, my Mum and my Nan came to school and the door opened. I rushed in and put my stuff away. It was French day so we had a French register. After the register we went to assembly and Mr Morris said "Bonjour!" to us. We went out to break. After that we made an Eiffel tower out of straws. Then we played French cricket and some parachute games. Then we ate some French food.
Monday, 3 March 2014
Go Explore...
Some of us wrote all about our Go Explore day. Here's Megs...
When we went to go explore we made faces out of twigs, leaves and stones. My group did the body as well. Then we had to build a tower out of twigs and leaves, a group made them out of logs. Then we all chose partners. One put a blindfold on and the other had to give them directions where they had to go then we swapped around. Then we got into groups and we all had a blindfold but not the leader. We put our hands on the other persons shoulders (like the conger) and the leader gave instructions to the rest. Then we had some free time to play! I drew a picture of some squirrels with Daisy. I had a great time!!!
By Megan Southern
On Tuesday we went out on the field it was great fun. First we sat around the fire area and talked about the go explore rules. After that we went in groups and my group was Meg.s, Meg h, Oliva.s and Lauren . We had to make a face out of twigs and stones. Our group and a couple more groups went on to making a body. Then we came and sat around the fire area and Mrs Round told us what task 2 was. Task 2 was to go with a partner and we got blindfolded and our partner had to take us on a walk and tell us to sniff and feel. When we finished that we went into groups again and my group was me, meg.s , meg .h , Olivia . s Lauren and daisy . Mrs Round told us our leader and ours was meg.s. We were blind folded and meg took us on a walk and when we got back we had to guess the route .meg.H guessed the route and got it right . Then we had to make a tower out of twigs it was really fun. When we had done that we got free time and me Olivia .s, Lauren me, and Megan .h made a bug house. Thank you for such a lovely day.
By Lola Woodhouse
On Tuesday we all brought some warm and water-proof clothes to change into or we could come to school in them. We were going to do Go Explore! (Forest Friends.) When we were all in our clothes we went out to the fields and sat down on the logs. We went over the rules and then the teacher told us our first activity. For our first activity we had to make a face out of sticks, leaves and things like that. We got into groups and then got to work! Lots of us ended up making a body as well because we had quite a lot of time to do this activity. When we had all finished our faces, everyone went around looking at all the different faces (and bodies,) and one person from each group told the class about their face. We stayed in our groups and then we had to make a tower out of things on the ground. We didn’t get time to finish this activity so we carried on after break. After break we carried on with our towers. When that was done we had to get into partners and take it in turns to be blind-folded. The person who wasn’t blind-folded guided the other person around and led them to someone or something. They had to use their senses to guess what it was. After that for the last activity we got into groups and then the Mrs. Round chose a leader for our group. The leader guided us around and then we had to guess the route. At the end we got some free time. I love Go Explore!
First of all face making with leaves and twigs ours had clothes made of leaves and a
mouth. We had five more minutes so we made towers out of twigs and logs we had
twigs at the bottom and logs at the top. After that it was break so we had to take our boots off. After we went to break we had blind folds we went in partners it was fun. We went in a group of 6 Isabelle was the leader. Finally it was free time me and Roksana Did the mud kitchen.
By Anastasia
I went to go explore. First we sat around the fire area and talked about the rules. Next we made faces out of twigs and leaves but we made body’s as well. Then we made towers for about 5 minutes and then it was playtime. After we finished off the towers. Soon we did a blindfold game/leader game. After we played another blindfold/leader game. Finally we had some free time, I made mud pies and a hedgehog hole, it was lots of fun.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Go Explore!
Sam's 100 word challenge
Once upon a time there was a volcano that was about to erupt, someone hd to stop it. It was too l ate. The lava was pushing through the earth. All of the lava was on the floor but it wasn't over yet. A scientist was making an antidote that would stop the eruption from happening again. The mayor said "the person who is the strongest will do this, and that is Hugo." So Hugo went to the volcano but needed to dodge the lava on theh floor. Finally he got there, he dropped the antidote into the volcano. The lava came up then dropped back into the volcano, it was done.
Ben's 100 word challenge
In historical times when the dinosaurs were around, a massive asteroid hit the earth. A massive earthquake emerged. Closer and closer, a gigantic whirl pool shot up out of the steaming hot ground. A volcano burst out of the ground.
"Charlie, the ground is starting to shudder!" said Max.
"Look," said Charlie.
Cars were being spat out of the whirl pool. Suddenly the asteroid pushed the earth, the world ended, Kaboom!!. It exploded.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Finlay's 100 word challenge
This week we had to include these words in our writing: grand, pink, gorilla, laughed and bicycle.
Today I went to the park and there were lots of lakes. When I went there, there was a mysterious cave with a bicycle and eyes looking out, which were like a candlelit green colour. Also, there was a big, fat nose poking out like a carrot. Then suddenly it pounced out of the cave. A gorilla. I was running as fast as my legs could take me. My mind was spinning, soon my legs were too. Minutes turning hours, seeds becoming flowers. Trapped. Dead end. Then I looked at the gorilla and a grand house. Then I laughed because the gorilla was dressed in pink, on a bicycle! When I laughed it scared it away!
Abigayle's 100 word challenge
A long time ago there lived a pink gorilla and a little girl called Amelie. Amelie laughed as she rode on her bicycle, which was grand and pink. The gorilla started to cry. Amelie stopped to go and see if the gorilla was ok. The gorilla stopped crying and Amelie said "Are you ok?"
"Yes I am," said the gorilla sadly.
"Do you want me to buy you a bicycle like mine?" said Amelie.
"oh yes please," said the gorilla happily.
Kristian's 100 word challenge
Once upon a time there was a pink gorilla who was riding on a bicycle. The gorilla laughed when he cycled along. The gorilla was going to the park and I followed him. When I followed him I was not at the park, I was in a big jungle full of monsters. I escaped and I got home then I had dinner. After dinner I went to bed and fell asleep. In the morning I went to the park to see if the grand pink gorilla was there. He was not, I didn't know where he could be.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Last term in our ICT lessons we used morpho-booth to create talking images of King Alfred the Great. Here is Lauren's...
Monday, 13 January 2014
Role play in Literacy
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
100 word challenge.
This week we had to include the following sentence in our writing
...when I put the batteries in...
Meg's 100 word challenge
I woke up, it was my birthday. I raced downstairs and when I got to the door I stopped. Then I went in.
"Happy birthday!" my family shouted. I was surprised. I opened my first gift, it was a top. I didn't like it that much.
"Do you like it?" said Mum. I didn't answer. My next gift was a robot, but when I put the batteries in it, it didn't do anything. I put the batteries in again, it worked! I opened the rest but I played with my robot nearly all day. I loved my robot, I even made him a paper bed!
Amelie's 100 word challenge
Once, a little girl was in her tent with her torch. Her parents were in the house cooking some food for the little girl, they went into the tent to give her the lovely food.
"Gracie, I made you something to eat," called Gracie's mother. The next night the batteries ran out of the torch. She went to ask her Dad if she could have some more and she took them back to the tent but they didn't work!
"Dad, Dad." she shouted, "you said they would work but when I put the batteries in it didn't work!"
"Switch it on!"
"Wow it works!"
Elise's 100 word challenge
Once, on Christmas there was a lovely girl called Frances. She was very lucky. When she had her ninth birthday her Mum gave her an electric scooter but when she put the batteries in nothing happened...then, BOOM the scooter blew up! Poor Frances, she could not keep the tears from her eyes. Her Mum bought her a new one but when she put the batteries in...it worked perfectly fine. No funny things happened at all. No blowing up or turning on by itself and moving about. Nothing like that at all.
"Wow, I like this scooter," said Frances.
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