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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Ben's 100 word challenge

In historical times when the dinosaurs were around, a massive asteroid hit the earth. A massive earthquake emerged. Closer and closer, a gigantic whirl pool shot up out of the steaming hot ground. A volcano burst out of the ground. "Charlie, the ground is starting to shudder!" said Max. "Look," said Charlie. Cars were being spat out of the whirl pool. Suddenly the asteroid pushed the earth, the world ended, Kaboom!!. It exploded.


  1. well done Ben that is a lovely 100 word challenge

  2. I think you had a great idea for this challenge, Ben.You have taken care with spelling and punctuation, very important not to overlook these when posting online. Keep on writing. :-)
    Mrs Maclean
    Team 100WC

  3. well done ben, i wonder whhappened to the people.
